How to reduce the high temperature around the vibrating screen?

The vibrating screen relies on the vibration generated by the vibrating screen exciter to perform the screening work. For the vibrating screen that works in the workshop or outdoors, the working environment temperature also has certain requirements. If the temperature is too high, the vibrating screen will be affected. Damage, affecting the service life of the vibrating screen and delaying production.

Generally speaking, the working environment temperature of the vibrating screen does not exceed 40°C. If it exceeds 40°C, some cooling measures are required. How can the high temperature around the vibrating screen be reduced?

Arc vibrating screen

How to reduce the high temperature around the vibrating screen

1. Filling with coolant

When adding coolant to the vibrating screen, try to fill the same type of coolant as that in the water radiator. Do not fill tap water at will, unless it is for emergency treatment. When adding cooling water to the water radiator, be sure to wait for the water temperature to drop to about 70°C before proceeding; the “gradual water injection method” should be adopted to gradually reduce the temperature, instead of adding water too fast or too quickly, that is, let the engine idling while adding water , While filling slowly, the water flows in a long way to ensure the safety of operators and equipment.

2. Build a sunscreen

When working outdoors, the vibrating screening equipment should pay attention to building a sun screen or awning. Long-term exposure to the hot sun will not only make the machine easy to wear and aging, but also make the entire vibrating screening equipment too hot and unable to work normally, affecting the efficiency and quality of the screening, and severely will also cause the vibrating screen components such as: vibration The motor, etc. is damaged. For vibrating screening equipment working indoors or in kilns, attention should be paid to the adjustment of indoor temperature, as well as ventilation and air permeability.

High frequency dehydration vibrating screen

3. Do a good job of lubrication

The lubrication work is aimed at the bearings of the vibrating screen. Lubrication plays an important role in the transmission of the vibrating screen and equipment maintenance. Lubrication can affect the performance, accuracy and life of the equipment. In the high temperature season, the lubrication time should be adjusted first. Compared with the spring and autumn, the time should be shortened by 0.5-1 times, and the oil quality should be observed. The temperature of the fat oil is easy to change. If the temperature rises, add oil appropriately. If the temperature is a little higher and then slowly falls, it proves that the lubrication is effective, and the lubrication is not enough due to insufficient oil inside the bearing, leading to an increase in temperature. If the temperature does not change or only rises after refueling, it proves that the bearing has worn out, or is severely short of oil, and even the oil inside is already dry.

The above is the answer to how to reduce the high temperature around the vibrating screen. We can add coolant, build a sun screen for the vibrating screen that works outdoors, and do a good job of lubricating the equipment. No matter indoors or outdoors, we must keep the vibrating screen in a good condition. Try to avoid the use of vibrating screen equipment in high temperature environment, if it can’t be avoided, it is necessary to have certain cooling measures for it.

How does the vibrating screen screen different materials?

When purchasing a vibrating screen, users will pay more attention to the cost performance, such as screening effect, function, etc., whether the price is reasonable, they are more concerned about. Generally, vibrating screens are sometimes dedicated and can only screen one material. However, for current production, how to screen multiple materials has become a trend, that is, to realize that one vibrating screen equipment can screen different shapes, Materials with particle size and characteristics are screened.

How to screen a variety of materials with a vibrating screen

Linear Vibrating Screen

1. Change the vibrating screen amplitude

To realize the screening of a variety of materials by the vibrating screen, the amplitude of the vibrating screen can be changed according to the characteristics of the material. To make the vibrating screen achieve better screening results for materials with different properties, the amplitude of the vibrating screen needs to be adjusted accordingly , Because different materials have different shapes due to molecular structure, so the requirements for amplitude are also different.

For example, materials with relatively heavy specific gravity and good fluidity are suitable for screening with low amplitude, while materials with poor fluidity generally require high amplitude to achieve better screening results.

2. Replace the vibrating screen

The particle size of the material varies greatly according to the shape and type. Therefore, to realize the screening of a variety of materials by the vibrating screen, it is necessary to realize the variability of the mesh number of the screen. The simpler method is to buy multiple screens of different meshes from the vibrating screen manufacturer or a nearby manufacturer, and manually replace the screens as required to achieve screening of a variety of materials.

High frequency dehydration vibrating screen

It is worth noting that the screen is the part of the vibrating screen equipment directly in contact with the material, and it is an important guarantee for determining the accuracy of the screening of the material and the output value. However, many users often find that the screen is broken. It is recommended that users should pay attention to the equipment operation: the oscillation force should not be too large, and it should be within the range of the equipment, and the feeding amount should not be too large to prevent the screen from breaking. .

In addition, the quality of the screen is affected by the choice of material, the thickness of the warp, and the placement of the warp and weft during weaving. Therefore, a good supplier should be selected when selecting related accessories.

3. Adjust the vibrating force of the vibrating screen

To screen a variety of materials, the other is to adjust the vibrating force of the vibrating screen according to the output requirements and the difficulty of sieving the materials. The adjustment of the vibrating force of the vibrating screen is mainly achieved by changing the angle of the upper and lower weights of the vibrating motor. The reason for changing the vibrating force is that the stickiness, water content, and specific gravity of the material are closely related to the sieving rate, and the output of two different materials on the same equipment is also quite different.

Therefore, when sieving materials that are difficult to pass through, it is necessary to increase the vibrating force to ensure a certain production efficiency, and when sieving materials with a higher sieving rate, the vibrating force can be reduced to reduce unnecessary energy. Waste. The size of the vibrating screen force is not only related to the type of material, but also closely related to and proportional to the number of screen meshes, that is, the larger the mesh number requirement, the more suitable a larger vibrating screen force.

The above is the answer and analysis of how the vibrating screen sieving a variety of materials. It is mainly possible to change the vibrating screen amplitude according to the characteristics of the material, replace the screen and adjust the vibrating screen force according to the difficulty of sieving the material. It can be seen from these several methods that if you want to screen a variety of materials, the key lies in the diversified adjustment of the vibrating screen’s amplitude, screen, and excitation force to achieve the variability of these three parameters.