Izinkinga ezivamile nezixazululo zesikrini sokudlidliza esivusa amadlingozi

Imishini yokuhlola iyisetshenziswa esibalulekile esisizayo ezimayini, izinto zokwakha, izimboni zamakhemikhali nezinye izimboni. Ukusebenza kwayo kuthinta ngqo amandla wokukhiqiza nezinkomba zobuchwepheshe nezomnotho. Ngakho-ke, kudingekile kakhulu ukuqonda okunye ukuxilongwa kwephutha okuvamile nezixazululo zezikrini zokudlidliza ekusebenzeni komkhiqizo. Le ndatshana yabelana ngezinkinga ezijwayelekile zezidlidlizi zesikrini esidlidlizelayo, izizathu eziyinhloko nezixazululo zokuqhekeka nokusonteka kohlaka lwesikrini namapuleti ohlangothini.

The exciter is the vibration source of the screen body. The amplitude can be adjusted by the counterweight. When the exciter is working, the centrifugal force generated by the eccentric mass is selected as the exciting force. When the biaxial exciter rotates synchronously, The screen box performs reciprocating linear vibration, and the materials are screened through the gap of the drying surface, and then the screening work of the product mine is completed.

The failure of vibrating screen exciter generally has the following situations:

FE (HE) Uchungechunge Isixwa Screen Exciter

1. Start under heavy load

Sudden shutdown due to production or other equipment failures makes the screen box full of minerals. If the exciter starts again under heavy load, it is very easy to cause damage to the universal coupling and other parts of the exciter.

Isixazululo: Gwema ukuqala kabusha isikrini esidlidlizayo ngaphansi komthwalo osindayo.

2. Ukulimala kohlelo lokumosha

Uma intwasahlobo yedamping yehluleka noma okokusebenza okuningi ngaphansi kwesikrini, njll., Uhlelo lokudampaza ngeke ludidiyelwe futhi lubangele ukulimala kokudlidliza.

Isixazululo: Bheka intwasahlobo edamping njalo, bese ushintsha iziphethu ezihlulekayo nezikhubazeke ngesikhathi. Lapho ufaka okunye esikhundleni sazo zonke iziphethu ezinomswakamo ngasikhathi sinye ngangokunokwenzeka, futhi uqinisekise ukuthi ukuqina kweqembu ngalinye lemithombo ngaphambi nangemva kokufaka okunye kuyafana.

Ngokufingqa, kunezinkinga ezimbili ezivamile ezinezixhumi zesikrini esidlidlizayo nezixazululo ezihambisanayo. Isidlidlizi sesikrini esidlidlizelayo kufanele silandele ngokuqinile imiyalo yokusebenza ehambisanayo ngesikhathi sokufaka nokusetshenziswa kwenqubo ukuqinisekisa ukusebenza ngokuphepha kwemishini.