Ungayilungisa kanjani imvamisa yokudlidliza kwesikrini esidlidlizelayo

Njengoba sonke sazi, ukusebenza kwesikrini esidlidlizayo akuhlukaniswa nenjini yokudlidliza. Isikrini esidlidlizayo siqhutshwa yimoto yokudlidliza. Imvamisa yokudlidliza incike esivinini semoto yokudlidliza. Ijubane lesikrini esidlidlizelayo liyancipha, noma isilinganiso sokunciphisa sohlelo lokudlulisa siyakhuphuka. Okukhulu, kunganciphisa imvamisa yokudlidliza kwesikrini esidlidlizayo. Ngokufanayo, ngokwandisa ijubane lokujikeleza kwemoto edlidlizayo noma ukwandisa isilinganiso sokusheshisa kohlelo lokudlulisa, imvamisa yokudlidliza kwesikrini sokudlidliza komugqa ingandiswa.

Izinyathelo ezithile zokusebenza: Vula ikhava yokuphela ekugcineni komshini wokudlidliza esikrinini esidlidlizayo. Kukhona i-cam ngaphakathi nesikali ngaphezulu. Imvamisa ingatholakala ngokulungisa inani lamakhamera.

There are many different classification methods for vibrating screens. For example, according to the movement trajectory, there are linear screens, circular screens and high frequency screens. So no matter what kind of vibrating screen, you have to buy it back. If we encounter the problem of slow discharge, how can we solve it?

The vibrating screen is a machine that uses a vibration exciter or a vibrating motor to drive the screen surface to perform high-frequency vibration, so as to screen materials and have the characteristics of high precision and high efficiency.

The vibrating screen discharges slowly or does not discharge, I believe most users have encountered it, so many users first feel that this is a problem with the machine, it must be designed by the manufacturer without designing, and in fact, this phenomenon is very common, and There are very easy to solve problems, because the root cause of these problems is the vibration source of the vibrating screen.

It is not difficult to find the root cause, and then solve the problem of slower discharge of the vibrating screen, that is, adjust the weight of the upper and lower ends of the vibrating motor. You can start from two aspects:

1. Increase the weight of two weights: increasing the weight of the eccentric mass can increase the excitation force of the entire machine. Users can increase the weight according to the number of layers of the vibrating screen and the specific gravity of the material, so the vibrating screen and the material can achieve the desired ideal effect.

2. Change the angle between the upper and lower weights: the angle of the weight changes, the movement trajectory and residence time of the material on the screen will change. The larger the angle, the smaller the eccentric force generated, and the longer the material is on the screen. The finer the screen, the slower the discharge speed. Conversely, the smaller the angle, the greater the eccentricity, and the shorter the residence time of the material. Accordingly, the discharge speed will increase. This type of adjustment is more suitable for coarse drying and screening of larger particles. Therefore, the user should adjust the angle between the two weights according to the nature of the material to be screened, so that the distribution of the material, the processing capacity and the super-netting speed can reach the ideal screening state.

Lapho kukhiqizwa futhi kwaklanywa uhlobo olufanayo lwesikrini esidlidlizelayo, ukulungiselelwa kuyanqunywa. Izinto ezehlukene zidinga izindlela zokulungisa ezihlukile. Abasebenzisi bangalungisa i-angle yesando ngokuya ngezidingo zabo. Isikrini esidlidlizayo sisesimweni esikahle sokusebenza.