Incazelo Yomkhiqizo

Isikrini sokudlidliza komugqa sisebenzisa imoto yokudlidliza njengomthombo wamandla wokudlidliza, ukuze impahla iphonswe phezulu esikrinini ngenkathi ihamba phambili ngomugqa oqondile. Okokusebenza kungena itheku lomshini wokuhlola ngokulinganayo kusuka ku-feeder, futhi kukhiqize idatha ngesikrini esinemigqa eminingi. Izinto ezisetshenziswe ngokweqile nezingaphansi kwezincazelo ezahlukahlukene ziyakhishwa ezitolo zazo. Inokusetshenziswa kwamandla okuphansi, ukukhipha okuphezulu, isakhiwo esilula, ukugcinwa okulula, isakhiwo esifakwe ngokugcwele, akukho ukuchitheka kothuli, ukukhishwa okuzenzakalelayo, futhi kufaneleke kakhulu ekusebenzeni kolayini womhlangano.

Imiyalo yokusetshenziswa kwesikrini sokudlidliza komugqa

Ukulungiselela ngaphambi kokufakwa

  1. Bheka ukuthi ilebula lezimoto liyahambisana yini nezidingo.
  2. Hlola ukuthi ngabe indawo yemoto yonakele noma ikhubazekile.
  3. Hlola izibopho zemoto ukuvimbela ukukhululeka.
  4. Check the power supply to see if it lacks phase, and run it for 5 minutes without load.
  5. Check whether the rotation is flexible. If there is any abnormality, it should be eliminated.
  6. Measure the insulation resistance with a 500 volt megohmmeter. The value should be dried on the stator winding, and the drying temperature should not exceed 120°C.

Installation and adjustment

  1. The motor should be fastened to the mounting surface, which must be smooth and flat.
  2. The motor can be installed horizontally.
  3. Adjustment of exciting force.
  4. The motor should have a reliable grounding. There is a grounding device in the motor, and the lead end has a mark. It can also be grounded by a solid bolt.
  5. The motor lead adopts four-core rubber cable YZ-500V. When connecting to the power supply, the lead cable is not allowed to be snapped, and it is reliably fixed to the vibrating body